C++ Standard Template Library (STL)

Nitish Singh
5 min readJun 11, 2023


The Standard Template Library (STL) in C++ offers a comprehensive set of tools for implementing algorithms and data structures, including vectors, lists, and queues. These components are implemented using general-purpose classes and functions that have undergone rigorous testing. The STL consists of three major components:

  • containers,
  • iterators, and
  • algorithms,

and also includes features such as function objects, smart pointers, and exception handling mechanisms.

STL is a library of parameterized container classes, algorithms, and iterators that provide common programming data structures and functions. It simplifies the development of C++ programs by offering a range of containers and algorithms for searching, sorting, and manipulating data. One of the main advantages of the STL is its ability to write generic, reusable code that can be applied to different data types, resulting in efficient and optimized code.

The C++ Standard Template Library (STL) consists of algorithms, data structures, and various components that simplify the development of C++ programs. It provides a variety of containers like vectors, lists, and maps, along with algorithms for searching, sorting, and manipulating data. In C++, the STL algorithms provide a strong set of functors for carrying out various operations on ranges of elements. These functors, also called function objects, are C++ objects.

David Moore

key components of the STL:

The STL comprises several key components, including containers like vector, list, map, set, and stack for data storage and manipulation. It also offers a variety of algorithms such as sort, find, and binary_search to manipulate data within the containers.

Additionally, the STL includes iterators, which are objects used to traverse the elements of a container. These iterators, such as forward_iterator, bidirectional_iterator, and random_access_iterator, can be utilized with different types of containers.

Function objects, also known as functors, are another component of the STL. They serve as function arguments to algorithms, enabling the customization of algorithm behavior.

Furthermore, the STL features adapters that modify the behavior of other components. For instance, the reverse_iterator adapter can be used to reverse the order of elements in a container.

By leveraging the STL, developers can streamline their code, reduce the potential for errors, and enhance the performance of their programs.

STL has 4 components:

  1. Algorithms
  2. Containers
  3. Functors
  4. Iterators


In C++, the STL algorithms provide a powerful set of functions for performing various operations on ranges of elements. The algorithms are designed to work with different types of containers like arrays, vectors, lists, sets, and maps. These functions are highly optimized and have been tested extensively, ensuring they are both efficient and reliable.

STL algorithms can be used to manipulate data in a variety of ways. For example, sorting algorithms can be used to arrange elements in ascending or descending order, while searching algorithms can be used to find specific elements in a range. Partitioning algorithms can be used to divide a range into two parts based on a certain condition, while numeric algorithms can be used to perform mathematical operations on elements.


In C++, containers are classes that allow developers to store and organize data. The STL provides a comprehensive set of container classes that can be used to manage data in different ways. These container classes can be classified into four categories: sequence containers, container adaptors, associative containers, and unordered associative containers.

Sequence containers like vector, list, and deque store elements in a specific order that is determined by their position in the container.

Container adaptors like stack, queue, and priority_queue provide restricted interfaces for specialized needs.

Associative containers like set, map, and multimap store elements in a specific order that is determined by their keys.

Unordered associative containers like unordered_set, unordered_map, and unordered_multimap provide fast insertion, deletion, and searching based on hash-based storage.



Functors, also known as function objects, are objects in C++ that behave like functions. They are used extensively in the STL algorithms to provide customizable behavior. These function objects are classes that overload the function call operator “()”, allowing instances of these classes to be called as if they were functions.

Functors also provide reusability, enabling developers to create powerful and generic algorithms. These functions can be used in different contexts and with different types of containers, making them an essential tool for writing generic code. This approach enhances code maintainability and reduces duplication, making it easier to add new features or modify existing ones.

Read more about function using the following link.


Iterators are objects that provide a uniform interface for traversing and accessing elements within containers in C++. They are a fundamental part of the STL and enable programmers to navigate through container elements seamlessly. Regardless of the specific container type, iterators provide a standardized way to access container elements.

Iterators facilitate the implementation of algorithms by providing a means of accessing container elements without exposing the underlying container implementation. Algorithms can be written in a generic way, independent of the specific container type, by utilizing iterators to traverse and manipulate container elements. This approach enhances code reuse and simplifies algorithm implementation.

The STL offers several iterator types, each with its own unique capabilities, allowing programmers to choose the most appropriate iterator for their specific needs. Iterators facilitate algorithm implementation by enabling seamless navigation through container elements while abstracting the underlying container implementation.


In conclusion, the C++ Standard Template Library (STL) is a powerful and comprehensive tool that provides a range of easy-to-use and flexible components for C++ programmers. With its algorithms, containers, functions, and iterators, the STL simplifies the process of creating powerful programs with minimal effort, freeing programmers from tedious programming details and enabling them to focus on the logic of their code.

Read more about C++ STL Containers library and Iterators in C++ STL



Nitish Singh

Passionate about empowering devs with practical tips, using modern C++ as the tool, and up-to-date knowledge. Join me on Medium for engaging articles.